Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Ep #51 Jeff Matika
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Todays episode is a great one. I sit down with Jeff Matika. He is in a host of bands Ashtray Babyhead, The Long Shot, Banner Pilot and this other little band Green Day. They are pretty good check 'em out I think they got what it takes to go far. It was a lot of fun to get to know Jeff. Lots of things like being from the same state, being around during the older days of the local music scene to how a few good chances and just being a nice guy landed him the gig of a life time. As well as being a dad and what some of his goals are. I really enjoyed this one and if you did to join the conversation links down below. As always thank you for listening.
This show is the proud sponsor of the Kublai Khan show with special guests Orthodox and local support Go for Gold and Past Comfort. Friday September 13th Link to the tickets down below as well or find one of the locals listed above and snag a ticket from one of them.
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Ep #50 Will Fisher
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Today's episode is the always lovable Will Fisher. A true hardcore kid at heart. An incredible drummer with a passion for the Arkansas music scene. He is now currently in two bands Eyes up and Plissken. He also runs a small house venue dubbed the Eyes up house. He is a genuinely nice guy, very fun to chat with. This episode had so many parts in just an hour. I really think you are going to like it and stay tuned to the very end for the debut single from his new band Plissken "Tendrils"
This episode of the podcast is brought to you by Tier None productions. Crash Cast is SUPER PUMPED to help bring you the the long awaited return of Kublai Khan to Arkansas with Orthodox and local support Go for Gold and Past Comfort. Coming to you on Friday September 13th at Vino's pizza and brew pub. Tickets are on sale now links down below $15 adv $17 dos. All ages.
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
I'm not sure how to describe this one. But I am both humbled and honored by it. We had a little party for my past and future guests at the always fantastic and now producer of this podcast too kurt lunsfords beautiful apartment. It was a great way to say thank you for the for all of the support and talk with the people who have been on about their experience. What did they like and not like it was a little loud but hey we had and amazing time I walked around and got all the feedback and more. I seriously love everyone who has been a part of this and helped in any fashion. I don't have the words to describe how i feel but it's soul on ten for sure. Links down below. As always THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!
P.S. Enjoy the end a special acoustic performance from local bad asses Past Comfort
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Ep #48 Zac Thompson
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Today's guest on this special episode is Zac Thompson. If his name doesn't seem familiar his work certainly will. He is the head Cellarman at the Local brewery Lost 40. I was very honored he took time out of his day to join me and talk shop. Everything from start to finish what it takes to get an idea to a can of brew. We also talk about music and influences that inspire new ideas like the new Legend beer in collaboration with local bad asses Pallbearer. So if you ever wonder how some of your favorite beers are made this episode is definitely for you. Join the conversation Links down below and as always thank you for listening.
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Ep #47 Dakota Winders
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Today I sit down with Dakota Winders (guitar) and Eric Franklin (drums) of Abimael. A brutal metal band from Jonesboro Arkansas. These guys mean business and they definitely go all out. It was great to sit down and find out what they are all about and what makes them tick. Dakota makes a lot of good points. You can tell his love and devotion to his craft runs deep. I for one can't wait to see what's next for these guys. Join the conversation Links down below.
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Ep #46 Tech Talk
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
SO IDK what happened but the last 30 min of this podcast are missing and for that I am very sorry I honestly don't know what happened. Now I still have to say I had an amazing time with two people much smarter than myself. URL and Errick join me today to talk all sorts of technology and we have some really fun back and fourths on our own opinions about modern day tech and what the future may hold. If you enjoy the conversation even though it was cut short join it links down below and as always thank you for listening.
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Ep #45 Enough is Enough
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
This week was not what I wanted to happen but what needed to happen. Let this serve as a lesson in what not to do to a music scene you claim to support but only abuse. Tanner "Eli" whatever your name is this week this one is for you.
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Ep #44 Fletcher
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Todays episode is one I can't wait for you to hear. My guest simply known as Fletcher had a huge impact on my musical career. Getting him in the room was a milestone for myself. Shout out to Sam Allen for the help. He was the first person to ever tell me straight up it wasn't good enough. I carried the things he said to me for the last 20 years. He is a wealth of knowledge spanning decades. The stories had me in awe and he still found a way to inspire me further. I truly can't wait for you all to hear this episode. If you enjoyed it as much as I did join the conversation links down below and as always thank you for listening.
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
E #43 Dalton Kennerly
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Today I sit down with the one and only Dalton Kennerly the drummer for Levels. As you will learn in this episode he is also a current grad film student. We had a real great time talking all things film making as well as a few films we love and some not so much. It was awesome to get some inside information to what making a film is really like. We get to the Levels things and he cues us into a few awesome new things. Things I am personally excited for and what the future looks like. As well as the journey it took to get there. I had a really fun time picking his brain and nerd out on a host of things. This was insanely fun and if you enjoyed it too join the conversation Links down below and as always thank you for listening.
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Ep #42 Baker
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
My guest today is not only a metal badass with serious dedication to his craft. But he is also a long time friend of mine as well as a local print expert and all around great guy. His name is Jeremiah Baker. But if you know him it's simply Baker. Like I said we go way back to the early days of skater kids hanging out trying to play guitar to the slow decent into heavier and heavier music. All the way to right now with his new band FRED which I absolutely love and the printing company he works for with some likewise great dudes. I had an amazing time catching up with an old friend. As well as finding out how it all came to be not to mention a sweet little surprise if you are a fan of his other band Abandon the Artifice. If you enjoy the conversation join it links down below and as always thank you for listening.