Friday Oct 12, 2018
Ugly Dudes Movie Reviews #7 OverStuffed 5 film review
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Whoa it's been to long and we have been having some technical difficulties. So tonight we desided to stuff 5 films into one review marathon. Today we go over Tag, Smallfoot, Black Klansman, Venom and last but not least Bad Times at the El Royale. If you have seen the movie join the conversation links down below. Thanks again for putting up with us and our problems hope you enjoy and as always thanks for listening.
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Ep#13 Alternative Creativity w/Danny & Chun
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Man oh man what an interesting episode we have today. Cory aka the fat boii not so slim, Justin aka Alliance, Danny aka so pretty I hate his face, and Andrew aka I'm a creative and don't even know it Chun. We talk about everything from the ufc to woodworking to vocal techniques and just about everything in between. It was a real pleasure having Danny and Chun in the studio. Also as a bonus treat Danny was kind enought to let us close out this episode with a song from his band Tribe Alive called Snow in Spring it's a wonderful song. Go check them out when you get a chance you will not be disapointed. If you enjoy the show join the conversation links down below. As always thanks for listening
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
EP#12 RockBottom-N-Roll
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Tonight we dive deep into the dark parts of what makes us or rather what turned us into the passionate unforgiving song writers and performers that we all are today. The last few years played a huge role in our personal lives and forever changed us in unique ways. Todd, Justin, John and Cory go down roads we haven't before givinig eachother new light and perspective on the things that shaped us into who we are. This is a fasinating episode that shines a light on depression and dark times. We would also like to take a moment to say if you are feeling some type of way. Know there is someone here for you we may not know eachother but to us you matter. Any communication is good communication. Dark times lead to great times let us help guide the way. As always thank you for listening. We love you all and join the conversation. Links down below.
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Ep. #11 Production Life the Unsung Heroes of the Music Industry
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
In this episode Me, Alliance and our great friend Nick join forces to talk about the brutal and thankless life of production work. We all have years and years of experience from working in venues to traveling across america to work unreal hours setting up shows. We had a great time on this one. We went out on the road to record this at nicks house where he made delicious food and we attemted to watch football while we made this. There is a lot to take in. We tell stories and our views on the industry that is as back breaking as it is wonderful. I think you will really like this episode. If you do give it a download it really helpls alot and if you have any stories or things you'd like to say join the converstion on social media links down below and as always thanks for listening.
Friday Sep 21, 2018
Ugly Dudes Movie Reviews #6 Clock in the walls/Predator
Friday Sep 21, 2018
Friday Sep 21, 2018
In this episode from the parking lot of the AMC. Me, Alliance and my lovely and goofy wife kayley went to the cinema and this week we say A house with a clock in its walls. While last week me and alliance saw the new predator movie. Both where hilarious in their own way and it was suprising which one came out on top. If you wanna join the conversation links down below and as always thanks for listening.
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Ep. #10 The future of travel will our kids drive?
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
In this episode new comer to the podcast Chris, my self and alliance talk about the future of the automotive industry. The tech we have now. The tech you can see coming and make predictions on if sooner than later most people won't actually drive cars. We had a great time talking about all the possibilities. If you ejoy it to give this episode a download and a review where ever podcasts are played. If you want to join in the conversation hit us up on social media. Links down below and as always thanks for listening.
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Ugly Dudes Movie Reviews #5 Spiderman Homecoming/Kin
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Hello world this week we drag our friend Cody to see a movie none of us had heard of all we saw was a poster. It turned out to be a great idea because that movie was KIN and it was great. A very original story syfy murder family drama style film we all really liked it. We also do a throw back review of Spiderman Homecoming or as we say the one they got right. As always thanks for listening. Join the conversation links down below.
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Ep. #9 Guitar w/ Tommy, Justin & Cory
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
This is a great episode Me "Cory" and Justin sit down with the wonderful and incredibly talented Tommy Robbinson of the very visious, raw and hardcore band Teminal Nation. We talk shop and that shop is guitar. We talk about everything from influences to practice techniques. We discuss our good and bad habbits on guitar even some of our future plans. Some gear we love and a whole lot more. I think if you are a new guitar player or want to start this is a great episode for you to hear some of the mistakes we all made and we offer up some solutions as well as different ways to push your craft forward. All three of our bands have wildly different enfluences and it was great to sit down and compare our own ideas of how we accomplish the same goal. Tommy is an absoulte bad ass we encourage you to go check his personal and band social accounts and just watch his level of dedication even after all his years of playing. As always thanks for listening and if you enjoy the conversation please do join us over on social media. Links down below.
Crash Cast sound cloud
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Ep. #8 Gaming in General
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
This one is a crazy mix of learning and seriously trying to keep the conversation on track we go down some serious rabit holes on this one. Cody, Matt, Jason and Cory try our best to keep it together. We talk about the state of modern gaming. Some of our current game pros and cons as well as the future of gaming as it becomes more apart of our everyday life via AR/VR. But man oh man do we lose control a few times. It's pretty funny and now we know let the experts do the talking but we still had a blast. It was a great learning experence as a podcast should be. Not only for people listening but the people putting it on too. We definatly still have a lot to learn and what better way to put it out there and see where it goes. As always thanks for listening. Hope you all enjoy the conversation and if you wanna weigh in, comment on social media. Links down below.
Crash Cast sound cloud
Friday Aug 31, 2018
Ugly Dudes Movie Reviews #4 LOGAN/DEADPOOL 2
Friday Aug 31, 2018
Friday Aug 31, 2018
This week Alliance and Cory couldn't quite decide what to see. It was slim pickings in the theaters this week so we decided to go with some slightly older releases. This episode we review the icredible movie LOGAN starring Hugh Jackman. We also dive into the wonderfully sick world of DEADPOOL 2. Both films are unique in their own way. Both films made by Fox and incredibly rated R. Hope you enjoy the conversation and if so tell us your view on either of the movies over on social media. Links down below and as always Thanks for Listening.
Crash Cast sound cloud